This issue is titled: “The Way of Cain.” What is “the way of Cain”? Why was Cain’s sacrifice not accepted but Abel’s was? To answer those questions, this issue examines Jude 11 and Hebrews 11:4, as well as the Genesis account of Cain and Abel.
This issue also announces Pastor’s Watson’s new book, his two-year labor titled: Seek Him Early: Daily Devotional Studies on Knowing, Loving, and Serving Our Lord Jesus Christ. This third daily devotional truly comes from the depths of his heart. Endorsed by Phil Johnson, Joel Beeke, Todd Friel, Paige Patterson, and many others, it is divided into the three distinct parts specified in the sub-title (each encompassing four months of devotional/theological studies). The reader is first encouraged to know the Lord in a personal way, then to love Him more passionately than ever before, and finally to serve Him with the right motive and method. Each daily reading is between 450–500 words in length, meaty, theological, and homiletical. Like its predecessors, each day also includes a “Scriptures for Study” section, which lists other related verses for you to explore and lends itself to personal journaling.