Christ as the only begotten is one of the great themes of the Gospel, and it is one of the most remarkable titles of our Lord. In the first of its five occurrences in John’s writings, it is a term of incarnation (1:14), and in the second, a term of…
Here is one of the most remarkable titles of our Lord in all Scripture. Scriptures for Study: What do the following verses declare about today’s theme: Psalm 2:7; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5; 5:5?
Further filling out a question asked in Issue 57, “The ‘Only Begotten’ Son” examines whether or not this phrase is just an archaic use of language or the best translation. In contrast to modern translations, this article demonstrates that the word “begotten” is the correct rendering textually, doctrinally, and historically.…
One reader asks, “one and only Son . . . Only ‘Begotten’ Son . . . why the difference, or does it really matter?” (see also Issue 70). Another inquires about whether Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 deal with divorce and marriage or the annulment of a betrothal. Other questions include:…