Ep192 – Manna From Heaven (3) – Ex. 16:15

Sixth, the manna came with the dew. Seventh, the manna fell by miracle. Eighth, it was absolutely essential that the manna be collected early. Ninth, when not used the manna bred worms and stank Tenth, the manna was eventually taken for granted, even loathed. Scriptures for Study: Write down your…


Ep191 – Manna From Heaven (2) – Ex. 16:15

Third, the manna was easily accessible. Fourth, the manna was lying on the ground. Fifth, the manna was adapted for all. Scriptures for Study: In 1 Corinthians 10:1–6, what is the value of the Scripture record? How is Scripture profitable according to 2 Timothy 3:16–17?


Ep190 – Manna From Heaven (1) – Ex. 16:15

First, the manna was small and seemingly insignificant. Second, the manna was plain-looking. Scriptures for Study: Read our Lord’s entire “Discourse on the Bread of Life” in John 6:22–58. How does it complement our study today?
