Ep283 – Enoch: The Pace of Faith (1) – Gen. 5:22, 24
Scriptures for Study: What do these verses tell us about walking: Psalms 56:13; 86:11; 128:1; Acts 9:31?
Scriptures for Study: What do these verses tell us about walking: Psalms 56:13; 86:11; 128:1; Acts 9:31?
In each of the examples of faith in Hebrews 11, we will note the same three principles: The requirement, the response, and the result. Scriptures for Study: In Hebrews 12:24, who and what speaks even “better things than that of Abel”?
In each of the examples of faith in Hebrews 11, we will note the same three principles: The requirement, the response, and the result. Scriptures for Study: According to the texts referenced today, where did early Christians meet for worship?
In each of the examples of faith in Hebrews 11, we will note the same three principles: The requirement, the response, and the result. Scriptures for Study: What does 1 John 3:12 tell us about Cain and Abel?
We recognize the impossibility, see the inclination, feel the intimacy, and note the incentive. Scriptures for Study: What do these verses say about diligence: Psalm 119:10; Proverbs 8:17; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 6:33?
It is imperative that we have faith in the means and the method of creation. Scriptures for Study: What do the following verses say about creation: Genesis 2:1; Exodus 20:11; Psalm 33:6; John 1:1–3?
It is imperative that we have faith in the means and the method of creation. Scriptures for Study: Read 1 Corinthians 15:21–22, 45 and Romans 5:12–21. How would you explain their application to today’s study?
This verse declares the remarkable truth that God testifies of us! Think of it! God makes His approval known to those who trust Him. He blesses us, glorifies us, and lists us among the champions of faith. Scriptures for Study: What other names can you note that are not listed…
Faith is supreme confidence in what God says and settled conviction that it will come to pass. Scriptures for Study: What do these verses tell us about faith: Romans 8:24–25; 2 Corinthians 4:18; 1 Peter 1:8?
Living by faith means we trust only in what God says and disregard the words of men in this world system. So, let us turn to this chapter not only to see faith presented, but also to see it practiced. Scriptures for Study: What do the following verses tell us…