Ep346 – Well Doing – Gal. 6:9
The engagement, the exhortation, and the endurance. Scriptures for Study: How do the following verses encourage us: Luke 18:1; 2 Corinthians 4:1, 16?
The engagement, the exhortation, and the endurance. Scriptures for Study: How do the following verses encourage us: Luke 18:1; 2 Corinthians 4:1, 16?
Seven reasons: to obey Christ; to praise and worship our God; to hear the Word of God; our own personal edification; to encourage the pastor; to encourage other believers; to be a testimony to others. Scriptures for Study: Review these studies and reflect on the impact they have had on…
Seven reasons: to obey Christ; to praise and worship our God; to hear the Word of God; our own personal edification; to encourage the pastor; to encourage other believers; to be a testimony to others. Scriptures for Study:How do the following verses encourage you: Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–13; Hebrews…
Seven reasons: to obey Christ; to praise and worship our God; to hear the Word of God; our own personal edification; to encourage the pastor; to encourage other believers; to be a testimony to others. Scriptures for Study: What do we read about the Early Church in the following verses:…
Scriptures for Study: What do we read about the Early Church in the following verses: Acts 2:1, 42, 46–47; 20:7?
The place, point, period, purpose, pre-eminence, perseverance, and prayer of David’s attachment to God’s House. Scriptures for Study: What do the following verses in Psalms add to our study: 26:8; 65:4; 84:4, 10?
The place, point, period, purpose, pre-eminence, perseverance, and prayer of David’s attachment to God’s House. Scriptures for Study: What do the following verses in Psalms say about the house of the Lord: 23:6; 122:1; 92:13?
The servant’s rank, responsibility, and reputation. Scriptures for Study: Meditate on the verses cited today and write down how each challenges you personally.