The Fool – Jan./Feb. 2015

A faithful TOTT reader wrote, “If you would, please consider addressing the various uses of ‘fool’ in Scripture (OT and NT). Could you explain Matthew 5:22 in light of several Proverbs and Psalms where people are called fools? Are we not allowed to call people such as atheists and agnostics…


Theology: Queen of The Sciences – Mar./Apr. 2015

Founder of Dallas Theological Seminary, Louis Sperry Chafer, wrote in 1947, “Systematic Theology, the greatest of the sciences, has fallen upon evil days. Between the rejection and ridicule of it by the so-called progressives and the neglect and abridgment of it by the orthodox, it, as a potent influence, is…


The Doctrine of Imputation – May/Jun. 2015

On the heels of our last TOTT, “Theology: Queen of the Sciences,” we here examine a particular core doctrine of Scripture and demonstrate its critical importance to the Christian Faith: imputation. We pick this for two reasons: First, as we will outline, this doctrine is of incalculable importance to the…
