He Must Increase

Explores 6 reasons why Christ should continually increase while we should continually decrease. Scripture John 3:22-36 *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)


The Old Paths

What are the old paths? The “new (or modern) paths” the people were taking were that of apostasy and idolatry. We would submit, therefore, that the old paths, both then and now, consist of two basic principles: doctrine and duty. (See TOTT #55 for the text version.) Scripture Jer. 6:16…


For Unto Us a Child Is Born

Examines a verse that speaks of the ultimate reason Jesus came. He did not come to be thought of as a perpetually helpless baby in a manger, rather He came to be KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Rev. 19:16). Scripture Is. 9:6 *(If download does not begin automatically,…


Love the Brethren

Speaking from a troubled heart, the preacher addresses the need of love and unity in the church with three emphases: The World’s Viewpoint, God’s Values, and The Believer’s Virtue. (This message and the next ultimately led to a need for church discipline.) Scripture Selected Scriptures *(If download does not begin…


Command to Brotherly Love

An encouragement to love and unity in the church with two basic principles: the Necessity and Expression of brotherly love. (This message and the previous one ultimately led to a need for church discipline.) Scripture 1 Jn. 4:20-21 *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button…


But God

“But” marks a contrast, and this message demonstrates this by noting 8 “But God” contrasts in Scripture. One of the author’s favorite messages. Scripture Eph. 2:4a *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)


The Glory of the Rainbow

A study of the rainbow in Scripture, a perpetual, permanent, and palpable reminder of God’s wondrous grace and mercy. Considers the sign, the significance, and the solemnity of the rainbow. Scripture Gen. 2:5-6 *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As”…


Trembling at God’s Word

What does it mean to tremble at God’s Word? What does this involve? What drives us to such a view? Having been deeply affected and fed by Puritans such as Jeremiah Burroughs and others, the author challenges us with three aspects of this great statement of God through the prophet…


We Preach Christ: The Bible Story

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is all about Christ, and it is He who we preach. To underscore this critical theme, this message briefly tells the Bible story in a seven act drama: the creation, the curse, the comfort, the calamity, the contract, the coming, and the consummation. Available…
