21 – The Church Is Refreshed (1) – Acts 4:23-30
Three things that refreshed the Church: first, United in Prayer. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
Three things that refreshed the Church: first, United in Prayer. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
Three things that refeeshed the Church: second, Renewed in Power, and thrid, Concerned in Provision, United in Prayer. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
Dramatic contrast between the godly Generosity of Barnabas and the satantic Greed of Ananias and Sapphira. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
The Church’s power to Repulse, Draw, and Surmount. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
The Corruption of the Sanhedrin, the Courage of the Apostles, and Counsel of Gamaliel. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
The Problem, the Solution, and the Application. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
Stephen’s Attitudes, Accusations, and Appearance. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
Instead of defending himself, he vindicated Christianity. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
Instead of defending himself, he vindicated Christianity. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)
The Reasons, Representative, Rage, and Result of Persecution. *(If download does not begin automatically, right click on the “Download” button and then click “Save As” or “Save Target As”)