The founder of Sola Scriptura Ministries is Dr. J. D. Watson, originally born and raised a Hoosier (Indiana, in case you don’t know). He has been the pastor-teacher of Grace Bible Church in Meeker, Colorado since 1986 and has been in the Gospel ministry since 1974. With doctorates in both Theology and Religious Education, Pastor Watson is totally committed to the biblical principles of expository preaching, teaching, and application of God’s Word as the absolute, sufficient, and sole authority in all matters. By biblical conviction, he carries on an active and didactic expository preaching ministry. He also formerly taught Old and New Testament history (and computer) courses at Colorado Mountain College. He has been married to the other love of his life, Debbie, since 1974 and has one child, their son Paul (who was born in 1988 and named after both the Apostle and a close friend back in Indiana).
Read Dr. Watson’s personal reflections, “On Writing,” which also appears in his upcoming book The Forgotten Tozer: A. W. Tozer’s Challenge to Today’s Church.
While his church responsibilities are first and foremost, Pastor Watson does limited speaking engagements on subjects mentioned on this web site. Call or write for availability.